Parish Council meetings are held on the third Thursday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November. They are held in Stoke St Mary Village Hall and usually commence at 7:30pm.
Dates for 2024 are as follows:
18th Jan, 21st March, 16th May, 18th July, 19th Sept, 21st November.
Annual Parish Meeting – Thurs, 9th May.
Parish Clerk:
Sarah Fisher, East Stoke Farm, Stoke Road, Stoke St Mary, TA3 5BZ
Tel: 07973 338120
Parish Councillors 2022 – 2026:
Pat Fallance The Police House, Stoke St Mary, Taunton. Tel: 01823 442239
Daniel Fallance The Police House, Stoke St Mary, Taunton. Tel: 01823 442239
Colin Fisher (Chair) East Stoke Farm, Stoke St Mary, Taunton. Tel: 01823 442984
Rob Hossell Honeypot House, Shoreditch, Taunton. Tel: 01823 336879
Tania Watt Stoke Farm, Stoke St Mary, Taunton Tel: 01823 442346